As we all know the importance of having a crypto wallet, therefore many of us have ended up choosing an Atomic wallet for the storage of our crypto funds. However, being a new user it would be very difficult for you to understand some of the procedures to start using it. One of the very first few things that users struggle with is understanding the procedure to deposit crypto funds in it. You can either share your wallet address with someone from whom you are expecting crypto funds or use this address yourself.
As we all know the importance of having a crypto wallet, therefore many of us have ended up choosing an Atomic wallet for the storage of our crypto funds. However, being a new user it would be very difficult for you to understand some of the procedures to start using it. One of the very first few things that users struggle with is understanding the procedure to deposit crypto funds in it. You can either share your wallet address with someone from whom you are expecting crypto funds or use this address yourself.